1951 Census of England and Wales, County Report (Sample Report Title: Census 1951: England and Wales: County Report: Yorkshire West Riding), Table 14 : " Private Households according to possession of certain Household Arrangements - Abridged Analysis for Urban Areas with population of less than 50,000, RD".

Show top level table England and Wales  
Click on the unit name for its home page

If Drill-down appears click for more detailed statistics
Household Type Total Number of Households
Households with Household Arrangements as follows-- (E = having exclusive use; S = sharing with another household; N = entirely without)
Piped Water
Cooking Stove
Kitchen Sink
Water Closet
Fixed Bath
All five arrangements E
Stove E, Sink E
Bath S or N, other four arrangements E
Sink S or N, Water Closet S or N
England and Wales Dep Total   All Households. 13,139,348 Show data context 1,788,466 Show data context 741,242 Show data context 708,024 Show data context 294,704 Show data context 843,483 Show data context 838,043 Show data context 1,755,985 Show data context 1,042,394 Show data context 1,004,052 Show data context 4,859,370 Show data context 6,816,960 Show data context 11,302,385 Show data context 2,559,594 Show data context 1,437,350 Show data context
    Households sharing dwellings. 1,906,068 Show data context 1,137,263 Show data context 44,102 Show data context 621,700 Show data context 79,347 Show data context 722,292 Show data context 168,267 Show data context 1,224,258 Show data context 33,735 Show data context 860,517 Show data context 757,422 Show data context 203,388 Show data context 993,283 Show data context 221,417 Show data context 844,425 Show data context
England Dep Drill-down All Households. 12,384,781 Show data context 1,656,417 Show data context 643,057 Show data context 636,003 Show data context 240,022 Show data context 766,372 Show data context 694,938 Show data context 1,651,164 Show data context 926,945 Show data context 950,287 Show data context 4,486,450 Show data context 6,517,515 Show data context 10,786,374 Show data context 2,426,747 Show data context 1,269,086 Show data context
    Households sharing dwellings. 1,786,388 Show data context 1,051,086 Show data context 36,604 Show data context 558,847 Show data context 71,103 Show data context 655,292 Show data context 150,572 Show data context 1,139,573 Show data context 27,087 Show data context 814,521 Show data context 697,159 Show data context 194,062 Show data context 960,407 Show data context 214,541 Show data context 769,639 Show data context
Wales Dep Drill-down All Households. 754,567 Show data context 132,049 Show data context 98,185 Show data context 72,021 Show data context 54,682 Show data context 77,111 Show data context 143,105 Show data context 104,821 Show data context 115,449 Show data context 53,765 Show data context 372,920 Show data context 299,445 Show data context 516,011 Show data context 132,847 Show data context 168,264 Show data context
    Households sharing dwellings. 119,680 Show data context 86,177 Show data context 7,498 Show data context 62,853 Show data context 8,244 Show data context 67,000 Show data context 17,695 Show data context 84,685 Show data context 6,648 Show data context 45,996 Show data context 60,263 Show data context 9,326 Show data context 32,876 Show data context 6,876 Show data context 74,786 Show data context

Click on the triangles for all about a particular number.


1 This table is a combination of Table 14 and Table 13 in the county reports. The row and column labels have been taken from Table 14 as the geographically more detailed table. Table 13 has been selectively transcribed to match the information available in Table 14.


The following notes to the table appeared in the original report.

1 For definitions, etc., see pp.vii, xvi and xxiv.
2 Private households enumerated on houseboats are omitted from this table.

This website does not try to provide an exact replica of the original printed census tables, which often had thousands of rows and far more columns than will fit on our web pages. Instead, we let you drill down from national totals to the most detailed data available. The column headings are those that appeared in the original printed report. The numbers presented here, which are the same ones we use to create statistical maps and graphs, come from the census table and have usually been carefully checked.

The system can only hold statistics for units listed in our administrative gazetteer, so some rows from the original table may be missing. Sometimes big low-level units, like urban parishes, were divided between more than one higher-level units, like Registration sub-Districts. This is why some pages will give a higher figure for a lower-level unit: it covers the whole of the lower-level unit, not just the part within the current higher-level unit.