3 |
Acreage, Population, Private Households and Dwellings |
AC, MB, UD, RD; Wards of CB, MB; CP, NT |
12 |
Private Households by Density of Occupation (Persons per Room) |
AC, MB, UD, RD |
13 |
Private Households according to possession of certain Household Arrangements |
AC, Urban Area with population of 50,000 or more |
14 |
Private Households according to possession of certain Household Arrangements - Abridged Analysis |
Urban Areas with population of less than 50,000, RD |
25 |
Occupied Population in 3 Age Sections by 5 Terminal Education Ages |
AC, Urban Area with population of 50,000 or more, Urban Remainder |
26 |
Occupied Population in 3 Age Sections by 5 Terminal Education Ages - Abridge Analysis |
Urban Areas with population of less than 50,000, RD |
27 |
Social Class distribution of Occupied and Retired Males aged 15 and over |
AC, MB, UD, RD |