Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey
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A journey my mother went from Newtontony to Durly in the fforest 15 miles, thence to Nurstead 15 mile to a Relations house, (Aunt Holts,) a neate new built house with brick and stone-a hall, little parlour on ye
left side, a back door into a Court built round with all the offices out to ye
stables and barnes: on the right side a great parlour and drawing roome yt
opened into the garden wch
were fine gravel walks, grass plotts and beyond it a garden of flower trees and all sorts of Herbage, store of fruit, and free-stone broad walke in ye
Middle to ye
house. Ye
Chambers are very good and Convenient and in ye
ffront is a place walled in, beyond is a long ground sett with rows of trees; on ye
right side of ye
house is a large grove of firrs halfe scotts halfe norroway which lookes very nobly. The roades all about this Country are very stony, narrow and steep hills or else very dirty as in most of Sussex, but good rich land; it is in 2 mile of petersffield in Hampshire wch
is a good little neate town. In a mile of it is a Gentlemans house Called Maple Duram which Might now be new named into yew, ffor the great number of yew trees set thick in severall green walkes that grows high and is cutt close to the body up almost to the top, and ye
tops are left in a great head that spreads and makes it very shady and pleasant. From thence we went to Guilford wch
is a good town built with stone. The streetes are broad -- thence to Kingston on the Thames 30 mile thence to London 10 mile, from London againe to Colebrooke 15 miles, thence to Maidenhead 10. You go in sight of Winsor Castle on the left hand and Eaton Colledge as you pass the bridge at Maidenhead, and on ye
right hand you see Cliffton house a fine Building of ye
Duke of Buckingams. Thence to Redding 5 miles wch
is a pretty large place, severall Churches, in one lyes buried one of my sisters that Dyed at my Grandmothers there of the small pox, her monument of white marble stands up in the Chancell. From Redding to the Veale 5 miles, Sad Clay Deep way this is in Barkshire, thence to Newbery 8 mile all Clay Mirey ground. Newbery is a little town famous for makeing the best whipps-its a good market for Corn and trade. Thence to Newtontony over Way hill famous for a Faire kept there on Michelmas day.
Celia Fiennes, Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary (London: Field and Tuer, The Leadenhall Press, 1888)