General Report with Appendices

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General Report with Appendices
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Tables in the main report

Table No: Title Page(s)
1 Population 1801-1921. England and Wales 12
2 Intercensal Movements, 1871-1921 14
3 Annual Movement, 1911-20 14
4 Revised Intercensal Estimates of Population of England and Wales, 1911-1920 16
5 Populations and Approximate Decennial Increase per cent. In England and Wales and in certain other Countries, 1891-1921 17
6 Densities at each Census, 1801-1921. England and Wales 18
7 Populations and Intercensal Changes in six Geographical Divisions of England and Wales, 1901-1921 19
8 Administrative Counties (Including County Boroughs) arranged in order of Population, 1921 20
9 Administrative Counties (Including County Boroughs) arranged in order of 1911-1921 Increase per cent. of Population, and showing the Increase per cent. of Population in the Intercensal Periods 1911-1921 and 1901-1911 respectively, and the Number of Persons per Acre at the 1921 Census 20
10 Comparison of aggregates of Urban and Rural Districts, 1891-1921. England and Wales 23
11 Classification of Urban Districts by Population. England and Wales 24
12 Increases in aggregates of Towns of various sizes, 1891-1921. England and Wales 24
13 Population 1901-1921. Towns with Population over 50,000; arranged according to size 25
14 Population, 1861-1921. London and the "Outer Ring" 28
15 Buildings. England and Wales, 1921 36
16 Number of Dwellings and Private Families, England and Wales, 1921 and 1911 37
17 Distribution of 10,000 Dwellings according to size of Occupation, England and Wales, 1921 37
18 Distribution of 10,000 Dwellings according to size of Occupation, and Average number of Families per Dwelling in certain Administrative Counties 38
19 Distribution of Private Families according to the Number of Rooms occupied. England and Wales 39
20 Distribution of Private Families according to the Number of Persons in Family. England and Wales 40
21 Population and Proportion per cent. of Population living under various conditions of Room Accommodation, 1921 and 1911. England and Wales 41
22 Rooms per Family and Rooms per Person, 1911 and 1921. England and Wales 42
23 Distribution of 1,000 Private Families by size of family, 1921 45
24 Distribution of 1,000 Private Families by number of rooms occupied, 1921 45
25 Density of Occupation, 1921 47
26 Housing of Private Families, 1921. England and Wales and Administrative Counties 50
27 Housing of Private Families, 1921. Large Towns 52
28 Institutional and other special types of Population in England and Wales 59
29 Institutional and other special types of Population. Age Distribution (Inmates only) 60
30 Ration of Females to 1,000 Males. England and Wales 61
31 Proportion of Females per 1,000 Males. England and Wales and Counties 62
32 Countries arranged in order of 1921 Sex Proportions, showing also 1911 comparisons 63
33 Population of England and Wales in Age Groups, 1921 and 1911 65
34 Proportionate Population of England and Wales in Age Groups, 1921 and 1911 65
35 Number of Males and Females in various Age Groups in 1,000 Persons at all Ages in several Countries 67
36 Age Distribution of the Population in various Countries per cent. of that in England and Wales, 1921 68
37 Sex and Age Constitution of sections of the Population, 1921 71
38 Comparison by Age Groups of Enumerated Population in 1921, with the Numbers expected by survivorship from the 1911 Enumerated Population after allowing for the Births, Civilian Deaths and Civilian Migration of the intervening Period 79
39 Age, Sex and Marital Condition Distribution, 1921 81
40 Excess of Females in the marriageable Population (i.e., Single and Widowed, and Divorced), aged 20 years and over 82
41 Marital Conditions: Proportions by Sexes in Age Groups. England and Wales (1881-1921), Large Aggregates and Geographical Divisions (1921) 83
42 Education - Sex and Age Incidence, England and Wales 85
43 Proportion of Occupied per 1,000 Males and Females at certain Age Groups. England and Wales, Six Industrial Areas, and each Administrative County (with associated County Boroughs) 90
45 Relative positions of the Six Industrial Areas and of the several Administrative Counties in respect of the incidence among Males aged 12 and over of those engaged in certain Occupational Orders 98
46 Relative numerical importance of Agricultural Occupations, Males 100
47 Females per cent. of total Workers in the chief Textile Occupations 107
48 Workers (both sexes) in various Textile Occupations per cent. of total Textile Workers 108
50 Males in each Occupation reduced to the standard of 1,000 and classified in 12 Age Groups 128
51 Females in each Occupation reduced to the standard of 1,000 and classified in 12 Age Groups 133
52 Occupied Males in each of 16 Age Groups reduced to the standard of 1,000 and classified according to 42 Occupational Orders or Sub-Orders and important single occupations 135
53 Occupied Females in each of 16 Age Groups reduced to the standard of 1,000 and classified according to the 31 Occupational Orders and important single occupations 136
55 Birthplaces of Persons, Males and Females, and Proportions per 100,000 of the total Population of each sex, 1921 147
56 Birthplaces of the Population, 1851-1921. Proportions per 100,000 Persons. England and Wales 147
57 Administrative Counties (with associated County Boroughs) and Large Towns with highest Proportions of Natives of Scotland 148
58 Administrative Counties (with associated County Boroughs) and Large Towns with highest Proportions of Natives of Ireland 148
59 Persons born in Dominions, Colonies, etc 149
60 Administrative Counties (with associated County Boroughs) and Large Towns with highest Proportions of Colonial born 150
61 Persons born in Foreign Countries, distinguishing British Subjects and Foreigners, and enumerated n England and Wales at each Census, 1851-1921 150
62 Large Towns with high Proportions of British Subjects born in Foreign Countries 151
63 Aliens by Country of Birth and Nationality 153
64 Birthplaces of Persons of Foreign Nationality, 1901-1921 154
65 Large Towns with high Proportions of Foreigners (including Persons born abroad whose Nationality was not stated) 155
66 Local Distribution of Foreigners 156
67 Sex, Age and Martial Condition Distribution per 10,000 Persons - All Foreigners and certain Nationalities 158
68 Comparison of "Enumerated" and "Dependent" Children 162
69 Discrepancy between Enumerated Children and Dependents of Married Men, Widowers, and Widows 164
70 Distribution of Families by Size 165
71 Distribution of Families by Age of Parent 167
72 Distribution (by Ages of Parents in combination) of Families of Married Men and Married Women enumerated on the same schedule 168
73 Dependency by Geographical Regions 169
74 Dependency by Counties: Average number of Children under 16 per Family 169
75 Dependency by Occupation, Married Men. Average number of Children under 16 years of age in Family 170
76 Orphanhood by Age. England and Wales 172
77 Number of Males per 1,000 Females in the several Orphan Categories 172
78 Orphanhood in Geographical Divisions 173
79 Relation of Husbands' and Wives' Ages 175
80 Relative Fertility by Age of Parent 177
81 Relative Fertility by combined Ages of Husband and Wife 179
82 Relative Fertility in relation to size of existing Family (number of children under 15 years of age) 180
83 Relative Fertility by Geographical Regions 182
84 Relative Fertility by Occupation - Married Men 183
85 Wales and Monmouthshire - Proportional Numbers speaking English only, Welsh only, and both English and Welsh, 1891-1921 184
86 English and Welsh Languages: Proportion per 1,000 aged 3 years and upwards at certain Age Groups returned as able to speak English only, Welsh only, and both English and Welsh, 1911 and 1921 185
87 Population in various Language and Age Groups compared with expected survivors from corresponding Groups in 1911 at ages 10 years younger 186
88 Proportion per 1,000 persons aged 3 years and over in respect of whom Language Statements were returned 188
90 Comparison of Night and Day Populations. London 193
91 Movements relating to Boroughs and Urban Districts within Greater London 193
92 Daily movements to and from Towns outside Greater London with Night Populations in excess of 20,000 196