Available Themes



Densities and rates of growth. Age structure: concentrations of young people, and of the old.
Life & Death

Life & Death

Numbers of babies born. Deaths, especially infant deaths. Causes of death by age and gender.


Numbers of houses. Overcrowding: persons per room. Amenities: central heating, baths and WCs.

Alternative names

The following alternative names exist:

Name Status Language Start End Authority
BLACKBURN SOUTHERN Official English 1-OCT-1885 1-NOV-1909 Registrar General, Annual Report (HM Stationery Office)
BLACKBURN SOUTH EASTERN Preferred English 01 Nov 1909   1911 Census of England and Wales, Table 5, 'Registration Counties, Districts and Sub-districts with their constituent civil parishes. - Urban or Rural District in which each parish is situated; Area; families or separate occupiers, and population, 1901 and 1911; and population enumerated in Institutions, large establishments, and on vessels, &c., 1911'.

Unit associations

We know of no associations with other units.

Unit history

This unit was part of the following units:

Name Type Start End Authority
BLACKBURN RegD/PLU Poor Law Union/Reg. District 1-OCT-1885   1911 Census of England and Wales, Table 5, 'Registration Counties, Districts and Sub-districts with their constituent civil parishes. - Urban or Rural District in which each parish is situated; Area; families or separate occupiers, and population, 1901 and 1911; and population enumerated in Institutions, large establishments, and on vessels, &c., 1911'.

Boundary changes

This unit was affected by the following changes:

Date Type of change Other unit involved Area transferred Authority
1-OCT-1885 was created through the abolition of BLACKBURN   1891 Census of England and Wales, Table 2, 'Area and Population in Registration Districts and Sub-Districts and in Civil Parishes'.

Lower level units

This unit contained the following units:

Name Type Start End Authority
BLACKBURN AP/CP Parish-level Unit 1-OCT-1885   1911 Census of England and Wales, Table 5, 'Registration Counties, Districts and Sub-districts with their constituent civil parishes. - Urban or Rural District in which each parish is situated; Area; families or separate occupiers, and population, 1901 and 1911; and population enumerated in Institutions, large establishments, and on vessels, &c., 1911'.
How to reference this page:

GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, Blackburn South Eastern SubD through time | Census tables with data for the Registration sub-District, A Vision of Britain through Time.

URL: https://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/unit/10545821

Date accessed: 24th April 2024