Housing Tenure

No chart.

Year Owner-Occupied Local Authority Other Rented
1961 6,682 Show data context 4,552 Show data context 8,168 Show data context
1971 12,089 Show data context 7,557 Show data context 6,129 Show data context
1981 21,570 Show data context 8,531 Show data context 4,687 Show data context
1991 30,129 Show data context 6,630 Show data context 5,490 Show data context
2001 37,130 Show data context 1,058 Show data context 12,523 Show data context
2011 37,737 Show data context 1,287 Show data context 15,495 Show data context
Date: Source:
1961 - 2001 Census of Population
1971 [ERROR: authority is ''SRC'' but auth_note value of EW1971COU2_M25 does not appear in SRC_TAB]
2011 Office for National Statistics, Neighbourhood Statistics (QS415EW)

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nCube definition

From 1961 the census has gathered data on whether households owned or rented their homes, and if rented who from. Individual censuses provided different details, but here we present a simple classification which is possible for all dates. Note that housing rented from Housing Associations has to be included with private rentals, separately from "council housing".

How to reference this page:

GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, Breckland District through time | Housing Statistics | Housing Tenure, A Vision of Britain through Time.

URL: https://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/unit/10057309/cube/HOUS_TENURE_GEN

Date accessed: 17th February 2025