Searching for "DRUIDS CIRCLE"

You searched for "DRUIDS CIRCLE" in our simplified list of the main towns and villages, but the match we found was not what you wanted. There are several other ways of finding places within Vision of Britain, so read on for detailed advice and 18 possible matches we have found for you:

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  • If you typed a postcode, it needs to be a full postcode: some letters, then some numbers, then more letters. Old-style postal districts like "SE3" are not precise enough (if you know the location but do not have a precise postcode or placename, see below):

  • If you are looking for a place-name, it needs to be the name of a town or village, or possibly a district within a town. We do not know about individual streets or buildings, unless they give their names to a larger area (though you might try our collections of Historical Gazetteers and British travel writing). Do not include the name of a county, region or nation with the place-name: if we know of more than one place in Britain with the same name, you get to choose the right one from a list or map:

  • You have just searched a list of the main towns, villages and localities of Britain which we have kept as simple as possible. It is based on a much more detailed list of legally defined administrative units: counties, districts, parishes, wapentakes and so on. This is the real heart of our system, and you may be better off directly searching it. There are no units called "DRUIDS CIRCLE" (excluding any that have already been grouped into the places you have already searched), but administrative unit searches can be narrowed by area and type, and broadened using wild cards and "sound-alike" matching:

  • If you are looking for hills, rivers, castles ... or pretty much anything other than the "places" where people live and lived, you need to look in our collection of Historical Gazetteers. This contains the complete text of three gazetteers published in the late 19th century — over 90,000 entries. Although there are no descriptive gazetteer entries for placenames exactly matching your search term (other than those already linked to "places"), the following entries mention "DRUIDS CIRCLE":
    Place name County Entry Source
    ADDINGHAM Cumberland circle of 250 feet in diameter, and a predominant upright block 15 feet in girth and 18 feet high. Wordsworth pronounces this "family" of Druid Imperial
    BUXTON Derbyshire Druids; and it certainly was known to the Romans. Cromlechs and Druidical circles occur on the heights in its neighbourhood Imperial
    CAHIRLAG Cork ruins of the old parish church; and not far distant are the remains of a pagan judgment seat, druids' circle and altar. Lewis:Ireland
    CODFORD-ST. MARY Wiltshire Circle, supposed to have been formed by Druids for religious rites; and commands a most interesting view. The living is a rectory Imperial
    CORK Cork circles, cromlechs (commonly called Druids' altars), raths or circular mounds of earth, caves, and stone pillars, are numerous, particularly raths Lewis:Ireland
    DREWSTEIGNTON Devon circles, some traces of the Via-Sacra or Druid-way, and an ancient British camp The name Drewsteignton has often Imperial
    DRUID'S CIRCLE Cumberland DRUID'S CIRCLE , a well-preserved Druidical temple, 2 miles E of Keswick, in Cumberland. It crowns a hill commanding Imperial
    Druid's Circle, or Druid Stones Cumberland Druid's Circle , or Druid Stones , W. Cumberland, 2 miles E. of Keswick; 100 ft. in diameter. Bartholomew
    DUBLIN Dublin Druid, near Cabinteely, and others at Killiney, Howth, Mount Venus (in the parish of Cruagh), Glen South-well or the Little Dargle, and Larch hill, which last is within a circle Lewis:Ireland
    KILLARNEY Kerry Druids' Circle, consisting of a circular embankment about 35 feet in diameter, within which is a circle of seven upright Lewis:Ireland
    Largs Ayrshire circle, and large masses of charcoal and portions of bones. ` Taking the latitude of the mound, and the points of the compass where the sun would rise and set on the longest day, this segment-shaped platform, devoted apparently to sacrifice by fire, is found to fill up the remaining interval, and thereby complete the fiery circle of the sun's course, which would be deficient by that space.. Independently of the time of year indicated by this fire agreeing with that of the midsummer fires of the Druids Groome
    LIVERPOOL Lancashire LIVERPOOL , a large seaport town on the S verge of Lancashire; the second for population and for commerce in England Imperial
    MAN, or ISLE of MAN the Isle of Man MAN , or ISLE of MAN, an island, with adjacent islet of Calf of Man and several skerries, in the Irish Imperial
    OLDBURY Wiltshire Circle; it is supposed to have been formed, not for defensive purposes, but by the Druids for religions rites; and it commands Imperial
    Peeblesshire or Tweeddale Peebles Shire Druid circles at Sheriffmuir in Stobo, near Tweedsmuir church, and at Gatehope in Innerleithen. Tombs and tumuli with stone coffins Groome
    REDRUTH Cornwall Druids,-town; " is believed, by less sanguinewriters, not to have originated till after the division of the county into parishes; was for some time called, and is still occasionally called, St. Uny; appears to have been built around a chapel dedicated to that saint; seems to have acquired its present name, by a corruption of Tretrot, signifying "the house on the river's bed; " is situated chiefly on the side of a hill, rising to the altitude of414 feet, amid a dreary tract of country, bare of vegetation and strewn with rubbish, but remarkably rich inmineral produce; consists chiefly Imperial
    Stonehenge Wiltshire circles and 2 ovals, inclosed by a double mound, and with an avenue leading from the NE.; and has been variously supposed to be a Druid Bartholomew
    STONEHENGE Wiltshire circle; enclosed a flat stone 15 feet long, called by some the altar-stone, by others the stone of astronomical observation; and now retains only 6 uprights and the so-called altar-stone. The conflicting opinions respecting the entire relic are well shadowed in Warton's sonnet:- Thou noblest monument of Albion's isle! Whether by Merlin's aid from Scythia's shore To Amber's fatal plain Pendragon bore, Huge frame of giant-hands, the mighty pile, To entomb his Britons slain by Hengist's guile: Or Druid Imperial
    It may also be worth using "sound-alike" and wildcard searching to find names similar to your search term:

  • Place-names also appear in our collection of British travel writing. If the place-name you are interested in appears in our simplified list of "places", the search you have just done should lead you to mentions by travellers. However, many other places are mentioned, including places outside Britain and weird mis-spellings. You can search for them in the Travel Writing section of this site.

  • If you know where you are interested in, but don't know the place-name, go to our historical mapping, and zoom in on the area you are interested in. Click on the "Information" icon, and your mouse pointer should change into a question mark: click again on the location you are interested in. This will take you to a page for that location, with links to both administrative units, modern and historical, which cover it, and to places which were nearby. For example, if you know where an ancestor lived, Vision of Britain can tell you the parish and Registration District it was in, helping you locate your ancestor's birth, marriage or death.