In 1870-72, John Marius Wilson's Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales described Bournemouth like this:
BOURNEMOUTH, a watering-place in Christchurch parish, and two chapelries in Christchurch and Holdenhurst parishes, Hants. The watering-place stands at the mouth of the Bourne rivulet, on Poole-bay, 4 miles WSW of Christchurch r. station, and 5 E of Poole. It has a head post office;‡ and public conveyances run to it from Poole and Christchurch. ...
It is of recent origin; has no street; and includes villas, lodging-houses, fine hotels, a sanatorium, baths, a small infirmary of 1869, two-churches, three dissenting chapels, and a library and reading room. The sanatorium is an Italian edifice, with accommodation for 40 patients. St. Peter's church was built in 1844; is in the early decorated style; and was altered and greatly enlarged in 1864. The churchyard contains the remains of Godwin, the novelist, Mrs. Godwin, better known as Mary Wolstonecraft, author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman,",-and Mary Wolstonecraft Shelley, widow of the poet Shelley. The beach is one of the best in England; the environs comprise chines, woods, open heaths, and variety of walks and drives; and the views, inland, and to Purbeck and the Isle of Wight, are very fine. A local newspaper is published every Saturday.-The chapelries were constituted in 1845 and 1867. Pop., 1,940 and 350. The livings are vicarages in the diocese of Winchester. Value, £60* and £150.* Patrons, Sir G. Gervis, Bart., and Trustees.
Bournemouth through time
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GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, History of Bournemouth in Hampshire | Map and description, A Vision of Britain through Time.
Date accessed: 12th February 2025
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