Statistics of Employment Status

From the mid-twentieth century onwards the Census of Population has gathered increasingly complex data on employment status, including numbers unemployed or self-employed.. This section holds these data when they were reported separately from occupations, i.e. people's roles within their workplaces.

Tables within section:

empl_1961_gb Raw Data Employment status data for 1961 counties and large districts for Great Britain
empl_1971_gb_enumd Raw Data Employment status data for 1971 enumeration districts for Great Britain
empl_1981_gb_ward Raw Data Employment status data for 1981 wards for Great Britain
empl_1991_gb_ward Raw Data Ward-level employment statistics from the 1991 Census, including unemployment
empl_2001_gb_ward Raw Data Ward- or similar level employment statistics from the 2001 Census, including unemployment
empl_2011_ew Raw Data 2011 Economic Activity Statistics for Local Authorities in England and Wales
empl_2011_s Raw Data 2011 Economic Activity Statistics for Local Authorities in Scotland