Documentation for individual data value

Behind the Vision of Britain web site is a true data library, a collection of individual statistics each with its own metadata to tell users what it means. These metadata also control how the system visualises statistical data through graphs and maps. This is what we know about the particular data value you selected:

Attribute Value Meaning
Identifier 17298518 This number locates the particular value within the data table; it is like an accession number in a conventional library.
Value 351,401 This is the data value itself.
Date(s) covered 1931 We store dates within a date object, which can hold anything from a simple year value, for a census, to a period defined by two calendar dates.
Administrative area covered 10145958 Angus ScoCnty
Meaning (DDS cell reference) AGCEN_POULTRY:fowls Cell within nCube N_AGCEN_POULTRY: Types of poultry as recorded by the Agricultural Census.
1 Agricultural Census Poultry Categories Fowls
Universe: All Poultry
Source ScotAgStat Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland, Scottish Agricultural Statistics (HM Stationery Office) ,
Status P Public. Visible in both graphics and tables.
Precision E Exact
Created by agcen_cnty This is the name of our script which inserted this data value into the main data table. For non-derived values, this is usually done by copying data values across from our more conventional GBHDB database, and the scripts are usually named after the table in GBHDB they copy data from.

This table lists, in its "value" column, a single row from our data table. The values are mostly identifiers and codes which are given meaning by our main sub-systems, and the "meaning" column reaches into these to tell you more.

How to reference this page:

GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, Vision of Britain | Context for data value | The meaning of 351,401, A Vision of Britain through Time.


Date accessed: 07th February 2025