Theme : Population

Themes are used in the Vision of Britain system to organise all our statistical data into a small number of broad categories, often identified by icons on the web site.

Theme (T)
We let you look at total population in two ways.

Firstly, population density: which areas had the most people? Density is calculated as the number of people per hectare, and we have measured areas from a modern digital map of the local authorities rather than relying on the doubtful acreages given in historical reports. Secondly, growth rates: where was population rising fastest, or declining? We also look at the ratio of men to women.

This theme also covers people's ages. From 1851 onwards, the census has provided very detailed statistics of age structure, giving numbers of males and of females in each 5-year age band. However, we simplify this here to three broad age groups: Children (0-14), Working Age (15-64) and the Elderly (over 65).

Over the last 150 years, our population has clearly aged. However, mortality decline in the late 19th century was mainly due to the reduction of very high infant mortality rates: the presence or absence of large number of infants dying before their first birthday had little effect on overall age structures. During the twentieth century, declining fertility and improved life expectancy in later life significantly changed age structures.

Theme " Population " is contained within:

The Database, which everything else is contained within:

Entity ID Entity Name
DB VoB Database

Theme " Population " contains:

Rates, for mapping and for comparing areas :

Entity ID Entity Name
R_POP_DENS_H Population Density (Persons per Hectare)
R_POP_DENS_A Population Density (Persons per Acre)
R_POP_CH_10 Rate of Population Change (% over previous 10 years)
R_AGE_0_14 Percentage aged under 15
R_AGE_15_64 Percentage aged 15-64
R_AGE_65_up Percentage Aged over 65

Datasets or nCubes, containing the actual data :

Entity ID Entity Name
N_TOT_POP Total Population
N_POP_CHANGE Population Change
N_GENDER Males & Females
N_PREV_GENDER_10YRS Males & Females (10 years earlier)
N_PREV_GENDER_20YRS Males & Females (20 years earlier)
N_MEAN_POP Mean Population
N_TOT_FAMILIES Total Families
N_AGESEX_105UP Age & Sex Structure data in 5-year bands to age 105
N_AGE_100UP Age Structure data in 5-year bands to age 100
N_AGESEX_100UP Age & Sex Structure data in 5-year bands to age 100
N_AGESEXMAR_100UP Age, Sex & Marital Status data in 5-year bands to age 100
N_AGESEX_100UP_X Age & Sex Structure in 5-year bands to age 100 (extra detail for ages 10-20)
N_AGESEX_95UP Age & Sex Structure data in 5-year bands to age 95
N_AGESEX_90UP Age & Sex Structure data in 5-year bands to age 90
N_AGESEX_85UP Age & Sex Structure to age 85 & up
N_AGESEX_85UP_U1 Age & Sex Structure in 5-year bands to age 85 (under 1s separate)
N_AGESEX_85UP_10YRS Age & Sex Structure in mostly 10-year bands to age 85 (under 1s separate)
N_AGESEX_65UP_10YRS Age & Sex Structure in approximate 10 year bands
N_AGESEXMAR_U5 Age & Sex Structure data in single years under 5
N_AGE_U5 Age Structure data in single years under 5
N_AGESEX_U5 Age & Sex Structure data in single years under 5
N_AGE_GROUP Grouped Age Structure
N_AGE_GROUP_SEX Grouped Age Structure
N_AREA_ACRES Area (acres)
N_AREA_HECTARES Area (hectares)
N_AGE_IRL1821 Age Structure (Irish 1821 classification)
N_OCC_PAR1831_TOT Total number of males aged 20 & over

Variable Groups, bringing together related variables :

Entity ID Entity Name
VG_POP Total Population

Variables, defining what data was gathered for :

Entity ID Entity Name
V_POP_CHANGE Population Change
V_MARITAL_STAT Marital Status
V_AREA_ACRES Area (acres)
V_AREA_HECTARES Area (hectares)