nCube Group : Agricultural Census Crop Statistics

nCubes Groups are used to group together related nCubes. For example, two-dimensional nCubes combining age and sex record population age structures and are presented as population pyramids, but are based on many different categorisations of age, each defined as a different DDS variable. Just as all these age variables are assembled into a single 'Age' Variable Group, the different 'population pyramid' nCubes are assembled into a single nCube Group.

Agricultural Census Crop Statistics
nCube Group (NG)
The Agricultural Census has reported on the crops grown by British farms since 1866, but over this long period has listed many different sets of crop. This nCube group brings these together.

nCube Group " Agricultural Census Crop Statistics " is contained within:

Themes, which organise the database into broad topics:

Entity ID Entity Name
T_LAND Agriculture & Land Use

nCube Group " Agricultural Census Crop Statistics " contains:

Datasets or nCubes, containing the actual data :

Entity ID Entity Name
N_AGCEN_CROP_GEN Generalised agricultural crop classification for 1866-1970.
N_AGCEN_CROP_1866 Acreages of different crops, as reported by the Agricultural Census in 1866.
N_AGCEN_CROP_1869 Acreages of different crops, as reported by the Agricultural Census in 1869.
N_AGCEN_CROP_I_1871 Acreages of different crops, as reported by the Agricultural Census in 1871.
N_AGCEN_CROP_1871 Acreages of different crops, as reported by the Agricultural Census in 1871.
N_AGCEN_CROP_1881 Acreages of different crops, as reported by the Agricultural Census in 1881.
N_AGCEN_CROP_1891 Acreages of different crops, as reported by the Agricultural Census for 1891 through 1901.
N_AGCEN_CROP_1910 Acreages of different crops, as reported by the Agricultural Census for 1910.
N_AGCEN_CROP_1920 Acreages of different crops, as reported by the Agricultural Census for 1920.
N_AGCEN_CROP_1922 Acreages of different crops, as reported by Agricultural Censuses 1922-35
N_AGCEN_CROP_1940 Acreages of different crops, as reported by Agricultural Censuses 1940-42
N_AGCEN_CROP_1950 Acreages of different crops, as reported by the Agricultural Census for 1950-51
N_AGCEN_CROP_1957 Acreages of different crops, as reported by Agricultural Censuses 1957-60
N_AGCEN_CROP_1961 Acreages of different crops, as reported by Agricultural Censuses 1961-3
N_AGCEN_CROP_1970 Acreages of different crops, as reported by 1970 Agricultural Census
N_AGCEN_CROP_S_1931 Acreages of different crops, as reported by the 1931 Scottish Agricultural Census
N_AGCEN_CROP_S_1961 Acreages of different crops, as reported by the 1961 Scottish Agricultural Census