1881 Occupational Titles
Variables serve as the dimensions of nCubes, and are
generally based on the questions on forms such as the
census schedule.
However, in the aggregate data held in the Vision of Britain system
we do not store the individual responses but counts
of the number of each kind of response, so variables
are made up of categories, such as age groups.
- Identifier:
- Name:
1881 Occupational Titles
- Type:
Variable (V)
- Text:
This variable contains the 414 occupational titles
included in the most detailed occupational listings in the
1881 census reports.
These do not, of course, include all the occupations
people reported in 1881: the 1881 census project at the
University of Essex found c. half a million unique strings
within the transcription of the census enumerators' books
created by the Genealogical Society of Utah, which they
then tried to assign to the 414 categories in the reports.
Because this variable is intended for use with both the
published tables and data created for us by the Essex
project from the enumerators' book data, it includes
two further categories to cover difficult cases in the
latter: 'Occupation recorded but of unknown meaning' and
'Blank field, or illegible'.
In the published tables, the 414 occupation titles were
grouped first into sub-Orders, then into 24 Orders and finally
into six Classes.
1881 Occupational Titles
" is contained within:
Datasets or nCubes, containing the actual data:
Entity ID |
Entity Name |
Detailed 1881 occupational statistics, by gender |
Variable Groups, bringing together related variables:
Entity ID |
Entity Name |
Occupation |
Variables, defining what data was gathered for:
1881 Occupational Titles
" contains:
Categories, defining the values available for each variable
, too many to list on this page.