Variables serve as the dimensions of nCubes, and are generally based on the questions on forms such as the census schedule. However, in the aggregate data held in the Vision of Britain system we do not store the individual responses but counts of the number of each kind of response, so variables are made up of categories, such as age groups.
Datasets or nCubes, containing the actual data:
Entity ID | Entity Name |
N_INDUSTRY_GEN | Standard Industrial Classification (2007) |
N_INDUSTRY_GEN_SEX | Standard Industrial Classification (2007), by sex |
Variable Groups, bringing together related variables:
Entity ID | Entity Name |
VG_IND | Industry |
Variables, defining what data was gathered for:
Entity ID | Entity Name |
V_IND_SECTOR_GEN | Industry Sector |
Categories, defining the values available for each variable :
Entity ID | Entity Name |
C_IND2011_1 | A: Agriculture, forestry & fishing |
C_IND2011_2 | B: Mining & quarrying |
C_IND2011_3 | C: Manufacturing |
C_IND2011_4 | D: Electricity, gas, steam etc |
C_IND2011_5 | E: Water, sewerage & waste mgt |
C_IND2011_6 | F: Construction |
C_IND2011_7 | G: Wholesale & retail trade |
C_IND2011_8 | H: Transport & storage |
C_IND2011_9 | I: Accommodation & catering |
C_IND2011_10 | J: Information & communication |
C_IND2011_11 | K: Financial & insurance |
C_IND2011_12 | L: Real estate activities. |
C_IND2011_13 | M: Professional, scientific & technical |
C_IND2011_14 | N: Administrative & support |
C_IND2011_15 | O: Public administration & defence |
C_IND2011_16 | P: Education |
C_IND2011_17 | Q: Human health & social work |
C_IND2011_18 | R,S: Arts & recreation; other services |
C_IND2011_19 | T: Activities of households |
C_IND2011_20 | U: Extraterritorial bodies |