1951 Occupational Statistics for Males in small towns and rural districts

Table ID:
OCC_1951_SM_M     (1252051)
1951 Occupational Statistics for Males in small towns and rural districts
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
Reporting units are identified by:
   Administrative County
   Local Government District
   Local Government District Type
The data are for the single year 1951.


  1. The data are taken from Table 21, 'Selected Occupations with Status Aggregates - abridged analysis', for 'Conurbation divisions and sub-divisions, Urban Areas with population of less than 50,000, R.Ds., New Towns', pp. 346-463 in Census 1951 England and Wales: Occupation Tables (London: HMSO, 1956).


  1. This is a complete transcription of the table. It was made by the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis, autumn 2000.
  2. The table includes data for New Towns, with lg_type='NT'. These should be excluded in any calculation of county totals.


  1. The total population aged over 15 was checked against the sum of the occupied and the retired.
  2. The total occupied was checked against the sum of the status groups, i.e. employers, managers, operatives, self-employed and unemployed.
  3. The total occupied was checked against the sum of the occupational orders. The following districts failed this check due to printing errors in the original: Kington RD (Herefordshire), Boston RD (Lincolnshire Holland), Alton RD (Hampshire), Tregaron RD (Cardiganshire)
  4. NB figures for sub-divisions of the occupational orders have not been checked.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
occ_1951_sm_m_pkey Primary key adm_cnty, lgd_name, lg_type
occ_1951_sm_m_dist_idx   admc_unit, lg_dist, lg_type


The table has the following associated constraints:

occ_1951_sm_m_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

lgd_name Text string (max.len.=36). Name of Local Government District as it appeared in the original report, i.e. lower case.
lg_dist Text string (max.len.=36). Name of Local Government District in standardised form: upper case, all hyphens removed, etc.
lg_type Text string (max.len.=6). Type of Local Government District.
adm_cnty Text string (max.len.=28). Name of Administrative County containing the district.
tot_pop Integer number. Total Population.
tot_o15 Integer number. Total Occupied Population aged 15 and over.
tot_occ Integer number. Total occupied (orders I-XXVII).
retired Integer number. Retired.
employers Integer number. Employers.
managers Integer number. Managers.
operatives Integer number. Operatives.
selfempl Integer number. Self-employed.
unempl Integer number. Unemployed.
i_fish Integer number. I Fishermen.
ii_agric Integer number. II Agricultural, etc. occupations.
ii_1_ag_hort Integer number. 1. Agricultural and horticultural occupations.
ii_10_farm Integer number. 010, 011 Farmers.
ii_13_mkt_gdn Integer number. 013, 014 Market gardeners, etc. and foremen.
ii_15_oth_gdn Integer number. 015 Other gardeners.
iii_mining Integer number. III Mining and quarring occupations.
iii_41_undergrnd Integer number. 041-047 Workers below ground in coal mines.
iii_49_above Integer number. 049 Workers above ground in coal mines.
iv_ceramic Integer number. IV Workers in ceramics, glass, cement, etc.
v_chemical Integer number. V Coal gas, etc. makers, workers in chemicals.
vi_metal Integer number. VI Workers in metal manufacture, engineering.
vi_1_foremen Integer number. 1. Foremen, overlookers.
vi_4_foundry Integer number. 4. Foundry workers (excluding pattern makers).
vi_9_metal Integer number. 9. Metal machinists.
vi_10_fitters Integer number. 10. Fitters, machine erectors.
vi_18_motor_mech Integer number. 184 Motor and motor cycle mechanics.
vi_12_plumbers Integer number. 12. Plumbers, pipe fitters, etc.
vi_16_elec_app Integer number. 16. Electrical apparatus makers, etc. (n.e.s.).
vii_textile Integer number. VII Textile workers.
viii_leather Integer number. VIII Leather workers, fur dressers.
viii_2_boot_mkers Integer number. 2. Boot and Shoe makers.
ix_clothing Integer number. IX Makers of textile goods and articles of dress.
ix_1_garments Integer number. 1. Garment workers.
ix_383_tailors Integer number. 383 Tailors/Tailoresses.
x_food_drink Integer number. X Makers of foods, drinks and tobacco.
x_1_food Integer number. 1. Makers of foods.
xi_wood Integer number. XI Workers wood, cane and cork.
xi_472_carpenters Integer number. 472 Carpenters, joiners.
xii_paper Integer number. XII Makers of, workers in, paper; printers.
xii_3_printers Integer number. 3. Printers, bookbinders.
xiii_misc_prod Integer number. XIII Makers of products (n.e.s.).
xiv_build Integer number. XIV Workers in building and contracting.
xiv_583_brick Integer number. 583 Bricklayers.
xv_paint Integer number. XV Painters and decorators.
xvi_admin Integer number. XVI Administrators, directors, managers (n.e.s.).
xvi_620_managers Integer number. 620-629 Managers in industrial undertakings.
xvii_transport Integer number. XVII Persons employed in transport, etc.
xvii_1_rail Integer number. 1. Railway transport workers.
xvii_2_road Integer number. 2. Road transport workers.
xvii_655_pass_drivers Integer number. 655-658 Powered passenger vehicle drivers.
xvii_659_goods_drivers Integer number. 659 Drivers of goods vehicles.
xvii_3_water Integer number. 3. Water transport workers.
xvii_681_dockers Integer number. 681 Dock labourers.
xvii_5_other_comm Integer number. 5. Other workers in communications, etc.
xvii_702_postmen Integer number. 702 Postmen, post office sorters.
xviii_commerce Integer number. XVIII Commercial, finance, etc. (exc. Clerical).
xviii_1_comm_occ Integer number. 1. Commercial occupations.
xviii_710_wholesalers Integer number. 710-711 Wholesalers, brokers, agents, etc.
xviii_715_comm_trav Integer number. 715 Commercial travellers, canvassers.
xviii_720_shop_own Integer number. 720-729 Owners, etc. of retail businesses.
xviii_730_shop_ass Integer number. 730-739 Salesmen, shop assistants.
xviii_741_van_sales Integer number. 741 Roundsmen, van salesmen.
xviii_2_finance Integer number. 2. Persons employed in finance and insurance.
xix_profession Integer number. XIX. Professional and technical (exc. Clerical).
xix_780_teachers Integer number. 780,785 Teachers.
xix_786_engineers Integer number. 786-792 Professional engineers, architects.
xix_794_designers Integer number. 794,799 Industrial designers, draughtsmen.
xx_defence Integer number. XX. Persons employed in defence services.
xix_1_armed_forces Integer number. 1. Armed forces.
xxi_entertain Integer number. XXI. Persons engaged in entertainments and sport.
xxii_pers_serv Integer number. XXII. Persons engaged in personal service.
xxii_862_hotel_own Integer number. 862-865 Owners, etc. of cafes, hotels, etc.
xxiii_clerks Integer number. XXIII. Clerks, typists, etc.
xxiii_890_other_clerks Integer number. 890-895 Costing, estimating, other clerks.
xxiii_891_typists Integer number. 891,892 Typists, secretaries .
xxiv_warehouse Integer number. XXIV. Warehousemen, storekeepers, packers, etc.
xxiv_901_storekeepers Integer number. 901 Storekeepers.
xxv_stat_eng Integer number. XXV. Stationary engine drivers, stokers, etc.
xxvi_unskilled Integer number. XXVI. Workers in unskilled occupations (n.e.s.).
xxvii_other Integer number. XXVII. Other and undefined workers.
xxviii_ret_not_work Integer number. XXVIII. Retired and not gainfully occupied.
xxviii_999_retired Integer number. Y Retired.
notes Long text. Notes.
admc_unit Integer number. ID number of the Administrative County containing the district, as defined in the AUO. To compute county totals, group by these IDs but exclude rows where lg_type='NT'.
g_unit Integer number. ID number of the local government district, as defined in the AUO.