1931 Summary Occupational Statistics for ALL Local Government Districts

Table ID:
OCC_1931_EW     (1251962)
1931 Summary Occupational Statistics for ALL Local Government Districts
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
Reporting units are identified by:
   Administrative County
   Local Government District
   Local Government District Type
The data are for the single year 1931.


  1. The data are taken from the tables 'occ_1931_ew_lg_t', 'occ_1931_ew_sm_m' and 'occ_1931_ew_sm_f', which contain complete transcriptions of Table 16 'Occupations of Males and Females aged 14 years and over showing also the total "Operatives" and the total "Out of Work" for England and Wales, Regions, Administrative Counties, County Boroughs and other Urban Areas with Populations exceeding 50,000' (pp. 154-425) and Table 17 'Occupations (Condensed List) of Males and Females aged 14 years and over showing also the total "Operatives" and the total "Out of Work" for Urban Areas with Populations not exceeding 50,000 and Rural Districts' (pp.426-583) from Census, 1931: Classification of Occupations (London: HMSO, 1934).


  1. This table contains all the occupational status information and the overall occupational orders, plus ALL other categories listed for either men or women in the smaller towns (below 50,000 population) and the Rural Districts. It therefore contains ALL information held in either 'occ_1931_ew_sm_m' or 'occ_1931_ew_sm_f', but far more detailed information about large towns is held in 'occ_1931_ew_lg_t'.
  2. Data for large towns, taken from 'occ_1931_ew_lg_t', are all direct counts. The raw data for smaller towns and rural districts, especially that for women, do not list numbers in certain individual orders. To permit calculation of the Cambridge Group classification, all such missing orders have been estimated. This was done by dividing the most relevant aggregate of orders into its component orders pro rata to the proportions the component orders formed of the relevant aggregate at county level, excluding numbers for the separately tabulated large towns. For example, 496 women in the county of Anglesey, which had no large towns, were in orders 1 to 11, but 493 of these were in the six orders which are separately identified. Of the remaining 3 women, 2 were in Amlwch UD and 1 was in Holyhead UD. The county totals show that one of these women worked in fishing and the other two in precious metals. The resulting estimates were: 0.666 women in fishing in Amlwch, and 1.333 in precious metals; and 0.333 women in fishing in Holyhead, and 0.666 in precious metals. See the notes on individual columns.
  3. Additional rows containing totals for both men and women have been computed. Data for sub-categories are only included for those sub-categories for which data are available for both sexes in all districts; see the notes on individual columns.
  4. The same 'Cambridge Group' sectors and environments have been identified as in the 1921 occupational data. The 'environments' are defined as follows:
    • AGRICULTURAL: At least 20% of all employment was in agriculture.
    • PROFESSIONAL: Under 20% of all employment was in agriculture. The percentage of employment in services was greater than the combined percentagein light and staple industry.
    • STAPLE IND: Under 20% of all employment was in agriculture. The combined percentage in light and staple industry was greater than the percentage in the service sector. The percentage in staple industries was greater than the percentage in light industry.
    • LIGHT IND: Under 20% of all employment was in agriculture. The combined percentage in light and staple industry was greater than the percentage in the service sector. The percentage in light industries was greater than the percentage in staple industry.


  1. Derived data; no additional checking undertaken.
  2. The geographical units have been cross-checked against the GBHGIS administrative unit gazetteer to ensure that all units are correctly identified. The unit names and types have been standardised. Each unit has a unique unit ID assigned to it and this can be used to cross-reference against other data-sets.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
occ_1931_ew_pkey Primary key rec_num
occ_1931_ew_g_unit_idx Unique g_unit, rec_num
occ_1931_ew_idx Unique lg_dist, lg_type, adm_cnty, sex, rec_num


The table has the following associated constraints:

occ_1931_ew_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

cnty_name Text string (max.len.=44). Name of Administrative County unit as it appeared in the original report.
adm_cnty Text string (max.len.=44). Standardised name of Administrative county.
dist_name Text string (max.len.=64). Name of Local Government District unit as it appeared in the original report.
lg_dist Text string (max.len.=64). Standardised name of Local Government District.
lg_type Text string (max.len.=16). Standardised type of Local Government District.
nation_unit Integer number. Unique ID number for nation unit. Derived from the Administrative County.
adm_cnty_unit Integer number. Unique ID number for county unit.
g_unit Integer number. Unique ID number for local government district unit.
part_of Text string (max.len.=5). A 'P' in this column indicates that data for only part of the place is recorded. It may be that another part is recorded in a different county.
sex Text string (max.len.=6). Sex: 'F'=Row refers to women; 'M'=Row refers to men; 'T'=Row is a total for men and women.
source Text string (max.len.=6). Source table from which the data derive: 'L' = Table 16 (large towns); 'S'= Table 17 (small towns and rural dstricts).
tot_pop Floating point number. Total Population.
tot_o14 Floating point number. Total Population aged 14 years and over.
operatives Floating point number. Operatives (in work).
unempl Floating point number. Out of work (all classes).
tot_occ Floating point number. Total occupied 14 years and over (Orders I-XXXI).
tot_unocc Floating point number. Unoccupied and Retired 14 years and over (Order XXXII).
i_fish Floating point number. Order I: Fishermen. Estimated for women in small towns and rural districts.
ii_agric Floating point number. Order II: Agricultural occupations.
iii_mining Floating point number. Order III: Mining and quarrying occupations. Estimated for women in small towns and rural districts.
iv_min_prod Floating point number. Order IV: Workers in the treatment of non-metalliferous mine and quarry products. Estimated for women in small towns and rural districts.
v_ceramic Floating point number. Order V: Makers of bricks, pottery and glass.
vi_chemical Floating point number. Order VI: Workers in chemical processes: makers of paints, oils, etc.
vii_metal Floating point number. Order VII: Metal workers (not electro plate or precious metals).
viii_precious Floating point number. Order VIII: Workers in precious metals and electro plate.
ix_electrical Floating point number. Order IX: Electrical apparatus makers and fitters (not elsewhere enumerated) and electricians.
x_clocks Floating point number. Order X: Makers of watches, clocks, and scientific instruments Estimated for women in small towns and rural districts..
xi_leather Floating point number. Order XI: Workers in skins and leather, and makers of leather and leather substitute goods (not boots or shoes).
xii_textile Floating point number. Order XII: Textile workers.
xiii_clothing Floating point number. Order XIII: Makers of textile goods and articles of dress.
xiv_food_drink Floating point number. Order XIV: Makers of foods, drinks, and tobacco.
xv_wood Floating point number. Order XV: Workers in wood and furniture.
xvi_paper Floating point number. Order XVI: Makers of and workers in paper and cardboard; bookbinders, etc.
xvii_print Floating point number. Order XVII: Printers and photographers.
xviii_build Floating point number. Order XVIII: Builders, bricklayers, stone and slate workers; contractors. Estimated for women in small towns and rural districts.
xix_paint Floating point number. Order XIX: Painters and decorators. Estimated for women in small towns and rural districts.
xx_other_prod Floating point number. Order XX: Workers in other materials. Estimated for both men and women in small towns and rural districts.
xxi_mixed_prod Floating point number. Order XXI: Workers in mixed or undefined materials (not elsewhere enumerated). Estimated for both men and women in small towns and rural districts.
xxii_transport Floating point number. Order XXII: Persons employed in transport and communication.
xxiii_commerce Floating point number. Order XXIII: Commercial, finance, and insurance occupations (excluding clerks).
xxiv_publ_admin Floating point number. Order XXIV: Persons employed in public administration and defence (excluding professional men, clerical staff, and typists).
xxv_profession Floating point number. Order XXV: Professional occupations (excluding clerical staff).
xxvi_entertain Floating point number. Order XXVI: Persons professionally engaged in entertainments and sport.
xxvii_pers_serv Floating point number. Order XXVII: Persons engaged in personal service (including institutions, clubs, hotels, etc.)
xxviii_clerks Floating point number. Order XXVIII: Clerks and draughtsmen; typists.
xxix_warehouse Floating point number. Order XXIX: Warehousemen, storekeepers and packers.
xxx_stat_eng Floating point number. Order XXX: Stationary engine drivers, dynamo and motor attendants Estimated for women in small towns and rural districts..
xxxi_other Floating point number. Order XXXI: Other undefined workers. Estimated for women in small towns and rural districts.
xxxii_unocc Floating point number. Order XXXII: Retired or not gainfully occupied.
xx_xxi_other_mixed Floating point number. XX-XXI Workers in miscellaneous materials. NB this value is listed in the occupational data for men in small towns but is derived for men and women in large towns. It is missing for women in small towns.
i_xi_other Floating point number. I to XI Total of orders I to XI NB this value is listed in the occupational data for women in small towns but is derived for women in large towns, and for men.
xviii_xxi_build_other Floating point number. XVIII-XXI Total of orders XVIII to XXI (builders, painters and decorators, other and mixed products). NB this value is listed in the occupational data for women in small towns but is derived for women in large towns, and for men.
xxx_xxxi_engine_other Floating point number. XXX-XXI Total of orders XXX and XXXI (Stationary engine drivers, other and undefined workers). NB this value is listed in the occupational data for women in small towns but is derived for women in large towns, and for men.
ii_11_farm Floating point number. 011 Farmers. These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
ii_13_garden Floating point number. 013, 030 Gardeners and their labourers. These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
ii_20_ag_lab Floating point number. 020-023 Agricultural labourers. These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
vii_150_foundry Floating point number. 150-9 Foundry workers (excluding employers, managers and foremen). These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
vii_160_smith Floating point number. 160 Smiths, etc. (excluding employers, managers and foremen). These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
vii_170_machinist Floating point number. 170 Metal machinists (excluding employers, managers and foremen). These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
vii_180_fitter Floating point number. 180-9 Fitters, mechanical engineers, etc. (excluding employers, managers and foremen). These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xiii_344_tailor Floating point number. 344 Tailors/Tailoresses (excluding employers, managers and foremen). These are listed for both men and women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns.
xiii_345_dress Floating point number. 345 Dress and blouse makers (excluding employers, managers and foremen) These are listed for women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for men in small towns.
xiii_347_sew Floating point number. 347-8, 360-8 Embroiderers, milliners, sewers, etc. (excluding employers, managers and foremen) These are listed for women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for men in small towns.
xiii_352_boot Floating point number. 352-6 Boot, shoe and clog makers (excluding employers, managers and foremen). These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xiv_1_food Floating point number. XIV (1) Makers of foods. These are listed for both men and women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns.
xiv_2_drink Floating point number. XIV (2,3) Makers of drinks. These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xiv_4_tobacco Floating point number. XIV (4) Makers of tobacco. These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xv_414_carpenter Floating point number. 414 Carpenters (excluding employers, managers and foremen). These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xv_424_carver Floating point number. 424, 5 Wood carvers and turners (excluding employers, managers and foremen). These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xviii_484_bricklayer Floating point number. 484, 490 Bricklayers and masons (excluding employers, managers and foremen). These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xxii_1_rail Floating point number. XXII (1) Railway transport workers. These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xxii_2_road Floating point number. XXII (2) Road transport workers. These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xxii_3_oth_transp Floating point number. XXII (3, 4) Water and other transport workers. These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xxii_654_operator Floating point number. 654-6 Telegraph and telephone operators (excluding employers, managers and foremen) These are listed for women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for men in small towns.
xxii_658_messenger Floating point number. 658-9 Messengers and porters. These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xxiii_670_shop_own Floating point number. 670-85 Proprietors and managers of retail businesses. These are listed for both men and women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns.
xxiii_700_shop_ass Floating point number. 700-716 Shop assistants in retail businesses. These are listed for both men and women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns.
xxv_790_medical Floating point number. Medical workers (occupational categories 790-99). These are listed for women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for men in small towns.
xxv_800_teacher Floating point number. 800-1 Teachers (including music teachers). These are listed for both men and women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns.
xxvii_850_domestic Floating point number. 850 Domestic servants. These are listed for women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for men in small towns.
xxvii_862_lodging Floating point number. 862 Lodging and boarding house keepers. These are listed for women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for men in small towns.
xxvii_864_innkeeper Floating point number. 864-5 Innkeepers, barmaids, etc. These are listed for women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for men in small towns.
xxvii_866_waiter Floating point number. 866 Waiters/Waitresses. These are listed for women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for men in small towns.
xxvii_870_laundry Floating point number. 870 Laundry workers. These are listed for women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for men in small towns.
xxvii_874_char Floating point number. 874 Charwomen. These are listed for women in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for men in small towns.
xxxi_920_gen_lab Floating point number. 920-930 General and undefined labourers. These are listed for men in small towns, and have been derived for large towns, but are missing for women in small towns.
xxxi_940_factory Floating point number. 940 Unskilled workers in factories, works, etc. These are listed for both men and women in small towns, as well as for large towns.
ag Floating point number. Persons employed in Cambridge AG sector.
light Floating point number. Persons employed in Cambridge LIGHT sector.
staple Floating point number. Persons employed in Cambridge STAPLE sector.
service Floating point number. Persons employed in Cambridge SERVICE sector.
main_sec Text string (max.len.=5). Cambridge Group 'Dominant Sector': 'A'=Agriculture, 'L'=Light Industry, 'P'=Professional, 'S'=Staple Industry. For most purposes, the value where sex='T' will be of greatest interest, but values for men and for women were separately computed.
rec_num Integer number. Unique number identifying row in table.