Education statistics from various dates redistricted to 2011 local authorities.

Table ID:
EDU_REDISTRICTED     (1247587)
Education statistics from various dates redistricted to 2011 local authorities.
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data cover the period 1851 to 2011.
Dates and times are identified by:


  1. The data available on education varies greatly between dates, so comparisons over time are hard. See below for 1851, but for later dates the data cover the adult population and record EITHER the age at which they left education OR the highest level of qualification they obtained. To make the two different measures comparable, we assume here that persons who finished their education before age 16 left without formal qualifications, and that those who left at age 20 or later obtained a degree.
  2. Provided data for the two sexes are available separately in the original tables, they have been redistricted separately, then added together to create the counts of persons. For now, seperate data for males and females is included for 2001, 1991, 1961 and, only for Scotland, in 1951. Unfortunately, the 1951 England and Wales census provided data only for males in districts with under 50,000 population. For now, therefore, for districts in England and Wales in 1951 ONLY we copy the male data into the "persons" columns. The 1971 Small Area Statistics used here do not permit a breakdown by sex.
  3. The table has been designed to hold data on the proportion of children remaining in education beyond the compulsory school leaving age, but those columns are currently used to hold only data for 1851, which come from a separate census of schools, so provide numbers of children CURRENTLY attending school, either ordinary Day Schools or Sunday School. In order to calculate rates, total numbers of children ages 5 to 14 in 1851 have been added from census age structure data.


  1. This table holds purely derived data.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
edu_redistricted_pk Primary key g_unit, year


The table has the following associated constraints:

edu_redistricted_pk Primary Key See details above for primary key index
edu_redistricted_area_type_check Check ((((area_type)::text = 'COUNTRY'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'DISTRICT'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'GOR'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'MOD_REG'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'MOD_CNTY'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'NATION'::text)))
edu_redistricted_nat_source_check Check ((((nat_source)::text = 'Reported_total'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_redist'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_raw_EnumD'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_raw_Par'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_raw_Ward'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_EW_and_Scot'::text)))

Columns within table:

area_type Text string (max.len.=16). This column identifies the geographical level:
  • DISTRICT, i.e. an individual local authority.
  • MOD_CNTY, i.e. an English county.
  • GOR, i.e. computed total for a Government Office Region (or Wales).
  • NATIONAL, i.e. an overall total for England and Wales, Scotland or Great Britain. The nat_source column records how such totals were obtained.
area_code Text string (max.len.=18). ONS code for local authority, as used in the 2011 census tables.
nation Text string (max.len.=6). One or two-letter code identifying the part of the UK.
nat_source Text string (max.len.=28). Appears only for rows which are national totals, and then identifies how it was derived. This will ideally be "Reported_total".
area_name Text string (max.len.=40). Name of the local authority district, as extracted from the AUO.
g_unit Integer number. ID number for local authority area, as held in the AUO.
year Integer number. Year of the census.
geogcode_1991 Text string (max.len.=9). The ONS code for the local authority as used in the 1991 census. Set only for districts known to have unchanged boundaries between 1991 and 2011, and currently set only for the London Boroughs. Where this is set, the 1991 data here are directly computed, without any GIS-based redistricting.
p_total Integer number. Total number of persons covered by data on levels of education. This always excludes those below the termination age for compulsory schooling, but thresholds vary.
p_qual_none Integer number. Number of persons with no qualification, or who left education below age 16.
p_qual_degree Integer number. Number of persons whose highest level of qualification was essentially degree level, or who continued in education to age 20 or later. For example, in 1991 it includes all persons with higher degrees, degrees and "diplomas", The latter covering qualifications gained post-18 but not "qualifications normally obtained at school such as GCE, CSE, GCSE, SCE and school certificates".
p_eligible_vol Integer number. Number of persons eligible for "voluntary" schooling. For later dates this would be the total population aged between the age at which compulsory schooling ended and age 18. However, in 1851 when schooling was not compulsory it is simply the total population aged 5 to 14, extracted from the 1851 age structure data rather than the Census of Education.
p_attending_vol Integer number. In 1851, the total number of "scholars" of either sex attending day schools.
p_attending_sunday Integer number. In 1851, the total number of "scholars" of either sex attending Sunday Schools.
m_total Integer number. Total number of males covered by data on levels of education.
m_qual_none Integer number. Number of males with no qualification, or who left education below age 16.
m_qual_degree Integer number. Number of males whose highest level of qualification was essentially degree level, or who continued in education to age 20 or later.
m_eligible_vol Integer number. Number of males eligible for "voluntary" schooling. In 1851 when schooling was not compulsory it is simply the number of males aged 5 to 14, extracted from the 1851 age structure data rather than the Census of Education.
m_attending_vol Integer number. In 1851, the number of male "scholars" of either sex attending day schools.
m_attending_sunday Integer number. In 1851, the number of male "scholars" of either sex attending Sunday Schools.
f_total Integer number. Total number of females covered by data on levels of education.
f_qual_none Integer number. Number of females with no qualification, or who left education below age 16.
f_qual_degree Integer number. Number of females whose highest level of qualification was essentially degree level, or who continued in education to age 20 or later.
f_eligible_vol Integer number. Number of females eligible for "voluntary" schooling. In 1851 when schooling was not compulsory it is simply the number of females aged 5 to 14, extracted from the 1851 age structure data rather than the Census of Education.
f_attending_vol Integer number. In 1851, the number of female "scholars" of either sex attending day schools.
f_attending_sunday Integer number. In 1851, the number of female "scholars" of either sex attending Sunday Schools.
g_authority Text string (max.len.=24). Source identifier.
g_auth_note Text string (max.len.=404). More detailed information on source, including IDs for specific census tables.
g_data_precision Text string (max.len.=12). Code identifying basis for calculation: 'E' for exact counts for 2011 data, and most other data 'GBR' to indicate data redistricted by the project.
g_data_status Text string (max.len.=9). Code specifying access status: 'P' for public by default.
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number keeping rows in correct order.