Full Title:
Jersey, Guernsey and Adjacent Islands
Year of Publication:

Tables in the main report

Table No: Title Page(s)
1 Population, 1821-1921, and intercensal variations 1
1A Population, 1821-1921 19
2 Population, 1901-1921, Separate Occupiers, 1911 and 1921, Visitors, 1921, and Acreage 1
3 Population, 1911 and 1921, and Visitors, 1921 2
4 Military Establishments 3
5 Institutions 3
6 Births and Deaths, 1911-1920 3
7 Private Families and Rooms Occupied 4
8 Ages (Individual Years) 5
9 Ages (Quinquennial Groups) and Marital Conditions 6
10 Ages (Quinquennial Groups) and Marital Conditions 6
11 Education 7
12 Occupations 8
13 Occupations (Condensed list) by Marital Condition, Industrial Status and 12 Age Groups 16
14 Birthplaces 17
15 Foreign-Born Population by Country of Birth and Nationality 18
16 Orphanhood of Children under 15, in Age Groups 18